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Over one million saplings planted across 1950 acres of mangrove in Jiangdong Haikou

source: tropicalhainan.com        2020-12-01 21:22:27

According to the Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve Administration, the Dongzhai Port Wetland Ecological restoration project has now been completed.

A total of 1,950 acres of mangrove area has been planted with more than one million saplings.

Aegiceras corniculatum, Rhizophora stylosa and Kandelia candel are all common plants and trees that have been planted in the area. They are commonly found in mangroves around the world.

Mangroves are known as natures coast guard, they effectively prevent the erosion of coasts by waves and weathering, and they are listed as important tropical marine ecosystems alongside coral reefs, salt marshes and seagrass.

Dongzhaigang mangroves Haikou

“The Dongzhai Port Wetland Ecological Restoration Project will effectively increase the carbon sink reserves of the marine ecosystem through the restoration of the mangroves, and will help to promote Hainan’s exploration of the blue carbon standard system and trading mechanism.”

Engineer Feng Erhui of Forestry Administration of Dongzhai Port.

It is understood that this project is the first ecological restoration project in the Haikou Jiangdong New Area.

Construction started on March 18, 2019. To date, 2,550 acres of wetland area and forests have been reverted and 1,950 acres of mangroves have been established.

The project aims to effectively restore the coastline and coastal mangrove ecosystem of Dongzhai Port to ensure the ecological safety of the Haikou Jiangdong New Area and provide a good habitat for migratory birds in China.

After more than a year’s construction, a unique mangrove landscape belt has been established covering 2,550 acres of wet mudflats resulting in increased biodiversity and ecological restoration.

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