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Hainan FTP: Datang International Trade Center to be completed

source: HICN   author : Chen Shumin     2021-08-13 08:48:20

As the construction of the Datang International Trade Center, headquartered in Haikou Jiangdong New Area, has been accelerating, the main structure is expected to be fully completed in mid-August.

The Trade Center will house the headquarters of the global commodity trade, boosting the “headquarters economy” in Jiangdong New Area.

Owned by the China Datang Group, the project covers a total area of 37,800 square meters. The five-story building will provide ample space for offices and supporting commercial activities.

As an important headquarters for the Hainan Free Trade Port, the design of the project incorporates elements of the iconic local Qilou structure at the front, fitting in well with the pleasant climate of this tropical city.

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