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Innovation helps the implementation of China’s 1st negative list for trade in services

source: HNNTV、SSTV        2021-11-23 10:44:20

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Hainan innovated the data statistical model of services trade, connecting the information among all units. It helped implement the first negative list of cross-border trade in services in China.

The Negative List on Cross-border Trade in Services for Hainan Free Trade Port (2021 version) is China’s first Negative List of Cross-border Trade in Services. Since its introduction on August 26th this year, Hainan has achieved new breakthroughs in several areas of cross-border services trade, with policy dividends continuously released. The Negative List cannot be formulated without the support of data. Therefore, Hainan has established a new statistical mode by using the direct reporting system of key enterprises and big data statistical technology.

Li Peng, Researcher of Services Trade Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, said that the new mode can achieve a calculation of the data generated by enterprises' economic activities in Hainan. It solves the problem of "isolated data island" in the past. “When we first explored the model, we reported it annually, but now we have realized the monthly report. By the end of this year, we are expected to reach the statistics of the four models of trade in services,” he added.

According to Cheng Yuan, Deputy Director General of Department of Commerce of Hainan Province, trade facilitation is an important institutional arrangement for the Hainan Free Trade Port, among which, the implementation of the negative list for cross-border services trade is a basic system. Hopefully, it could help Hainan build a legalized, internationalized and convenient business environment, gathering global innovative resources, and improving the construction quality and international influence of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

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