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Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve: A Ballroom for Birds

source: HICN   author : Zhang Chong     2021-12-13 14:14:41

As winter's icy breath chills the Chinese mainland, Hainan island remains pleasantly warm and welcoming. Whether they are escaping to Sanya for tourism or taking part in an annual migration that has happened since time immemorial, this is the season for Hainan to welcome snowbirds. Many of the avian variety of winter visitor can be found roaming the skies above the Dongzhai Port. Playing chase with each other, their calls light up the forest as part of a natural ecological symphony.

Located in the northeastern part of Hainan Province, Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve is a mere 30 kilometers away from downtown Haikou. An important nature preserve for protecting the northern coast's fringe of mangroves and wetlands, Dongzhai also helps to protect the estuarine harbor and marine mudflat ecosystem; is the overwintering habitat of numerous species of migratory bird; and is known as a "marine forest park".  

Covering an area nearly 3,500 hectares, over 1,500 hectares of Dongzhai are covered with a variety of mangroves. As of now, more than 200 species of birds have been identified as inhabiting the area. An important resting place for many migrating waterfowl, the preserve has become recognized for its black-faced spoonbills, greater coucal, Chinese egret, and peregrine falcons. Owing to its international significance and high conservation value, Dongzhai has recently been upgraded to a comprehensive national level nature preserve.

Under the dying rays of the setting sun, the flight of the birds is like a choreographed dance. In combination with the verdant green landscape, it attracts the attention of many bird watchers and nature lovers.

A flock of birds seen in the skies over Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Sunset and birds at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Sunset and birds at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Sunset and birds at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Birds rest at the water's edge at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

A flock of birds seen in the skies over Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Birds rest at the water's edge at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

A flock of birds seen in the skies over Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

An egret looking for food at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

A flock of birds seen in the skies over Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Egrets looking for food at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Egrets rest at the water's edge at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 21, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

An egret looking for food at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

Birds rest at the water's edge at Hainan Dongzhai Port National Nature Reserve, Nov 20, 2021.

Photo by FU QIXU. 

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