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Lotus in full bloom in Haikou’s Jiangdong New Area

source: hicn.cn   author : Ding Xin     2022-05-24 15:41:58

On May 11, 20 hectares (300 mu) of lotus flowers were blooming in Zhongkai Village next to Haikou Jiangdong Avenue, Haikou City, capital of Hainan Province.

The government and companies in Haikou's Meilan District have joined hands to further promote rural revitalization. In February, the district introduced a special species of lotus called “Taikong Lotus 36” (Space Lotus 36), planting 20 hectares of the showy flowers in Jiangdong's Zhongkai Village and around 11 hectares (160 mu) in Benxia Village.

Lotus flowers in bloom / WANG CHENGXIAN

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