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Haikou introduces new measures to accelerate the development of high-tech industries

source: tropicalhainan.com        2020-11-23 21:27:17

The Haikou Municipal People’s Government Office has issued the “Haikou Measures for Accelerating the Development of High-tech Industries (Trial)”

The new measures increases investment incentives for high-tech companies and support the development of key industries.
The measures will be implemented from December 15th, 2020, be valid for 3 years and are applicable to enterprises or institutions of sound finances based in Haikou.

One time rewards of up to 100,000 will be available for high tech companies that fit the criteria.
Development rewards of 50,000 yuan are also on offer for new enterprises.

High-tech enterprises that setup in Haikou and are in line with the development needs of the free trade port industry and are of a certain scale and growth potential.
Those who have been confirmed by the Provincial Science and Technology Department and are committed to staying in Haikou for a minimum of 10 years can be awarded up to 500,000 yuan.
High-tech enterprises who settle in key industrial parks in Haikou can receive annual rent subsidies for renting office buildings each year, not exceed 100,000 yuan (subsidies up to three years).
High-tech enterprises that register in Haikou, are listed on the Shanghai or Shenzhen Stock Exchange (including the Science and Technology Innovation Board), are eligible to be awarded up to 15 million yuan.

High-tech enterprises that register outside of Haikou, are eligible to receive a one-time reward of up to 2 million yuan if they relocate their registration and tax payment to Haikou after going public and listing their shares on the Science and Technology Innovation Board.

Agencies are encouraged to introduce high-tech enterprises. For each successful introduction of a high-tech enterprise (within the validity period), the agencies will be rewarded 50,000 yuan.

Support the development of 5 key industries

The new measures will also provide subsidies and incentives to five key industries.
1. Development of the integrated circuit industry

Newly established integrated circuit design, packaging and testing enterprises with a paid-in registered capital of more than 20 million yuan will be subsidized no more than 5% of the fixed asset investment of the enterprise.

The maximum for a single enterprise shall not exceed 2 million yuan.
2. Development of a new generation information technology industry

Newly settled companies in the new generation of core technology fields such as cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, Blockchain, and 5G, with an annual municipal financial contribution of more than 2 million yuan (inclusive), and an increase of more than 30% for two consecutive years the total amount of awards shall not exceed 5 million yuan.
3. Development of the big health industry

For newly settled biomedicine and medical device manufacturers in Haikou, where the fixed asset investment of purchasing production equipment exceeds 3 million yuan (inclusive), a one-time subsidy of 5% of the fixed asset investment will be given.
4. Development of the smart manufacturing industry

Enterprises can receive a subsidy of 5% of the expenditure amount to invest in software such as automated management systems for intelligent manufacturing.

Those who have won the intelligent manufacturing pilot demonstration project from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China will be given a one-time reward of 1 million yuan.

After the project has received central and provincial awards & subsidies in the current year, Haikou will award 10% of the awards and subsidies. The maximum amount of a single project shall not exceed 1 million yuan.
5. Development of the service outsourcing industry

For service outsourcing enterprises that are newly settled in Haikou. If the service outsourcing business execution amount reaches US$50 million, US$20 million, US$10 million, and US$5 million this year, they will be given a one-time award of 2 million yuan, 1 million yuan, 500,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan respectively.

Companies which their service outsourcing business amount reaches the above-mentioned scale in the current year with an increase of more than 20% will be rewarded according to the above grade.

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