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Hainan expanding channels for talent employment

source: HNNTV、SSTV        2021-12-14 14:02:16

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Since the beginning of this year, Hainan has strengthened employment support for key industries and groups, actively building platforms and expanding channels.

Since this year, Hainan Province has taken various measures to promote employment, including holding over 30 job fairs. According to the latest statistics of the Hainan Provincial Bureau of Human Resources Development, in the first 11 months of this year, a total of 57,400 graduates from 20 colleges and universities in the province have found jobs, with a retention rate of 62.2%. From January to September this year, 175,300 new jobs were created in the province's towns and cities, fulfilling 116.9% of the annual target. From January to October, 517 households received about 117 million yuan of guaranteed loans for business start-ups, directly leading to 2,123 jobs.

At the end of October this year, Hainan issued the Employment Promotion Plan for the "14th Five-year Period". During this time, Hainan plans to create 150,000 new urban jobs every year and launch subsidized vocational training programs for more than 100,000 person-times every year, more than 500,000 person-times in five years in total.

"We will strengthen remuneration guidelines and explore the medium and long-term incentive mechanism for skilled workers. Preference will be given in the selection and treatment of model workers, craftsmen and other skilled personnel, making the province more appealing to skilled professionals," said Song Shaohua, director of Hainan Human Resources and Social Security Department.

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