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Preparations for Hainan FTP customs clearance to be complete by late 2024

source: tropicalhainan.com        2021-02-04 08:37:26

Hainan will establish a free trade port policy system during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025), with all preparations ready for customs clearance on Hainan island by the end of 2024, said Feng Fei, acting governor of Hainan province on Sunday.

In his government work report addressed to the Fourth Session of the Sixth People’s Congress of Hainan Province that opened in Haikou, Feng said that Hainan will strive to have hardware conditions ready for customs clearance by the end of 2023, and complete all preparations for customs clearance by the end of 2024.

China released a master plan for the construction of the Hainan free trade port on June 1, aiming to build Hainan Island, which is about 32 times the size of Hong Kong, into a globally influential, high-level free trade port by the middle of the century.

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In 2021, Hainan aims to begin research and preparations on customs clearance mechanisms, achieve phased goals on construction of a social management information platform and improve the dynamic service management mechanism for visa-free-entry personnel in Hainan, Feng said.

He added that the tropical island province will also establish a regulatory system in line with high-level international economic and trade rules this year, and finish the layout planning of entry ports in the Hainan FTP.

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