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Black-winged stilts spotted in Haikou’s Jiangdong New Area

source: HICN   author : Yun Guojun, Li Xiang     2022-10-12 17:31:19

As fall arrives, the lotus flowers wither and fall in the ponds in Haikou Jiangdong New Area. There is something else to see there this time of year, though - the large number of snails on the river bed have attracted a big flock of black-winged stilts. 

Black-winged stilts are large black-and-white wading birds often found in marshes, shallow laskes, and ponds. Their long, striking pink legs allow them to stand tall in the water, where they use their needle-like black bills to snatch insects, crustaceans, and mollusks from beneath the surface.

In 2013, the bird was listed in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List of Threatened Species under the category of LC (Least Concern).

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

Photos: Yun Guojun / Hinews & New Hainan app

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